December 16, 2011

Back Pain's Dark Link to Torture? Scary But True...

Back Pain, Sleep and Torture

Did you know that one of the simplest, most reliable, most viciously mind-altering types of torture is...

Sleep Deprivation!

 It's a standard tactic used by militaries
and government agencies the world over. It's in the same league as "Waterboarding".

Both the notoriously brutal Soviet KGB
and the Japanese military favored using it during World War II in their prisoner camps to extract information.

To paraphrase John Schlapobersky, consultant psychotherapist to the Medical Foundation for Victims of Torture, and a victim of sleep deprivation torture in apartheid South Africa in the 1960's:

"Sleep deprivation causes hallucinations. It's like treating the victim with medications designed to make them psychotic. It causes people to lose their orientation in place and time. Depriving people of sleep is tampering with their equilibrium and sanity."

It's so brutal in fact that once they've felt its wrath, almost all victims will do, say, sign and swear to just about anything for a chance at uninterrupted sleep!

And here is why you should be very concerned about the implications of these facts...

You see, according to a new study by Hans P.A. Van Dongen, PhD, assistant professor of sleep and chronobiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, simply missing out on the recommend eight hours of nightly sleep for two weeks can cause "sleep debt" comparable to a sleep deprivation of two full nights.

And, if you only averaged four hours sleep a night for those two weeks, your brain reacts as though you haven't slept at all for 3 nights in a row.

Harvard researchers have even found that regularly getting too little sleep boosts heart disease risk. Earlier research has also linked consistent sleep loss with a higher risk of diabetes and obesity.

And to quote Van Dongen again:

"...the most worrisome part of this is these people don't realize how sleep-deprived they really are. When people are put through chronic sleep deprivation, there is an initial response where they say, 'OK, this is not optimal but I'll manage.' But after a few days of this, things are much worse than they realize."

Think about what that means... People actually become too tired to realize just how tired they are!

So they don't take the need to "pay off" their sleep debt (so to speak) and get back to a healthy sleep pattern seriously, and the vicious cycle continues. The result? More mental, emotional and physical trauma.

Here's the scary way this is all connected to back pain and sciatica: One of the biggest causes of sleep deprivation is chronic pain - such as the constant pain in your back that keeps you tossing and turning all night, struggling to find a comfortable position to relieve the pain and robbing you of a genuine good night's sleep!

That means that if you, like millions of others around the world, have persistent back pain and/or sciatic pain you're most likely also suffering from some degree of sleep deprivation... possibly without even realizing it.

But there is a way to break the cycle of pain and sleep deprivation in your life for FREE and help someone else in the process...

...With the newly updated resource "
The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" by Jesse Cannone.

YES! Rush me my FREE resource today so I can finally escape the torture of pain and sleep deprivation!

This vital resource even has an entire chapter dedicated to pain free, restful sleep. (Chapter 13: Sleep Without Pain)

You'll finally achieve the painless, rested, invigorated life you're entitled to with the little-known expert information in this book.

Now although you may have seen, read, or even own the first edition of this ground breaking resource... you still MUST HAVE this updated version.


Because for the last two years (since the release of the 1st edition) Jesse Cannone, co-founder of
The Healthy Back Institute, has been compiling your most frequently asked questions and concerns about BREAKING FREE FROM BACK PAIN FAST AND FOR GOOD.

In fact, over A HUNDRED NEW PAGES of pain relief-giving wisdom have been added to the book, so you'll
get all the latest information you need to eliminate your back pain or sciatica. And keep it gone!

It's all there for you... simple pain relief in easy-to-understand language. AND when you get your FREE COPY of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" today...

You'll also receive 5 Instantly Downloadable FREE BONUSES worth $116.94 to help put you on the "fast track" to a pain free back and life - you need only cover the nominal shipping fee.

YES! I want to claim my FREE copy of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" and the 5 instantly downloadable bonuses now!

But that's definitely not all!

Not only is Jesse Cannone giving away his latest resource, complete with great bonuses to help as many people as will take him up on it...

He's also giving you a chance to help other people in need by donating a portion of the shipping fee to charity...

And you get to choose which of the charities it goes to!

The charities are Autism Speaks and Operation Smile. When you click on the link and
claim your price-less copy of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" you then choose which the donation goes to.

So, to escape the torture of sleep deprivation, and start living the pain free life you deserve...

Click the link below, reserve your FREE copy of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure", claim your 5 bonuses worth $116.94 and give to the charity of your choice:

YES! Give me FREE access to the secrets for eliminating my back pain and finally getting the restful sleep I deserve!

To being free of torturous pain for life,

Jevaughn Brown

P.S. Sleep deprivation is no small problem - Sleep or the lack thereof affects every aspect of your health, mental function; of your life. And back pain, piriformis pain and the like not only make you suffer while awake but are quite likely ruining the quality sleep your body craves. Learn how to get rid of the pain and rest easy with the expert tips in The 7-Day Back Pain Cure book and videos Now...

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