December 16, 2011

Back Pain's Dark Link to Torture? Scary But True...

Back Pain, Sleep and Torture

Did you know that one of the simplest, most reliable, most viciously mind-altering types of torture is...

Sleep Deprivation!

 It's a standard tactic used by militaries
and government agencies the world over. It's in the same league as "Waterboarding".

Both the notoriously brutal Soviet KGB
and the Japanese military favored using it during World War II in their prisoner camps to extract information.

To paraphrase John Schlapobersky, consultant psychotherapist to the Medical Foundation for Victims of Torture, and a victim of sleep deprivation torture in apartheid South Africa in the 1960's:

"Sleep deprivation causes hallucinations. It's like treating the victim with medications designed to make them psychotic. It causes people to lose their orientation in place and time. Depriving people of sleep is tampering with their equilibrium and sanity."

It's so brutal in fact that once they've felt its wrath, almost all victims will do, say, sign and swear to just about anything for a chance at uninterrupted sleep!

And here is why you should be very concerned about the implications of these facts...

You see, according to a new study by Hans P.A. Van Dongen, PhD, assistant professor of sleep and chronobiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, simply missing out on the recommend eight hours of nightly sleep for two weeks can cause "sleep debt" comparable to a sleep deprivation of two full nights.

And, if you only averaged four hours sleep a night for those two weeks, your brain reacts as though you haven't slept at all for 3 nights in a row.

Harvard researchers have even found that regularly getting too little sleep boosts heart disease risk. Earlier research has also linked consistent sleep loss with a higher risk of diabetes and obesity.

And to quote Van Dongen again:

"...the most worrisome part of this is these people don't realize how sleep-deprived they really are. When people are put through chronic sleep deprivation, there is an initial response where they say, 'OK, this is not optimal but I'll manage.' But after a few days of this, things are much worse than they realize."

Think about what that means... People actually become too tired to realize just how tired they are!

So they don't take the need to "pay off" their sleep debt (so to speak) and get back to a healthy sleep pattern seriously, and the vicious cycle continues. The result? More mental, emotional and physical trauma.

Here's the scary way this is all connected to back pain and sciatica: One of the biggest causes of sleep deprivation is chronic pain - such as the constant pain in your back that keeps you tossing and turning all night, struggling to find a comfortable position to relieve the pain and robbing you of a genuine good night's sleep!

That means that if you, like millions of others around the world, have persistent back pain and/or sciatic pain you're most likely also suffering from some degree of sleep deprivation... possibly without even realizing it.

But there is a way to break the cycle of pain and sleep deprivation in your life for FREE and help someone else in the process...

...With the newly updated resource "
The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" by Jesse Cannone.

YES! Rush me my FREE resource today so I can finally escape the torture of pain and sleep deprivation!

This vital resource even has an entire chapter dedicated to pain free, restful sleep. (Chapter 13: Sleep Without Pain)

You'll finally achieve the painless, rested, invigorated life you're entitled to with the little-known expert information in this book.

Now although you may have seen, read, or even own the first edition of this ground breaking resource... you still MUST HAVE this updated version.


Because for the last two years (since the release of the 1st edition) Jesse Cannone, co-founder of
The Healthy Back Institute, has been compiling your most frequently asked questions and concerns about BREAKING FREE FROM BACK PAIN FAST AND FOR GOOD.

In fact, over A HUNDRED NEW PAGES of pain relief-giving wisdom have been added to the book, so you'll
get all the latest information you need to eliminate your back pain or sciatica. And keep it gone!

It's all there for you... simple pain relief in easy-to-understand language. AND when you get your FREE COPY of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" today...

You'll also receive 5 Instantly Downloadable FREE BONUSES worth $116.94 to help put you on the "fast track" to a pain free back and life - you need only cover the nominal shipping fee.

YES! I want to claim my FREE copy of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" and the 5 instantly downloadable bonuses now!

But that's definitely not all!

Not only is Jesse Cannone giving away his latest resource, complete with great bonuses to help as many people as will take him up on it...

He's also giving you a chance to help other people in need by donating a portion of the shipping fee to charity...

And you get to choose which of the charities it goes to!

The charities are Autism Speaks and Operation Smile. When you click on the link and
claim your price-less copy of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" you then choose which the donation goes to.

So, to escape the torture of sleep deprivation, and start living the pain free life you deserve...

Click the link below, reserve your FREE copy of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure", claim your 5 bonuses worth $116.94 and give to the charity of your choice:

YES! Give me FREE access to the secrets for eliminating my back pain and finally getting the restful sleep I deserve!

To being free of torturous pain for life,

Jevaughn Brown

P.S. Sleep deprivation is no small problem - Sleep or the lack thereof affects every aspect of your health, mental function; of your life. And back pain, piriformis pain and the like not only make you suffer while awake but are quite likely ruining the quality sleep your body craves. Learn how to get rid of the pain and rest easy with the expert tips in The 7-Day Back Pain Cure book and videos Now...

December 9, 2011

Strong Muscles Equal Pain? Who’s Winning The Tug Of War Within YOUR Body?

Strong Muscles Equal Pain? Who’s Winning The Tug Of War Within YOUR Body?

Right now, as you sit there reading this, there’s a relentless "battle" taking place inside your body.

In essence, what's happening is that your muscles are competing with each other in what you can think of as a game of “Tug of War.” Over time, some of your muscles grow
stronger and some grow weaker.

This “battle” persists until your muscles are so out of balance that they actually cause pain by one or the other of several different ways… including piriformis pain and back pain.

Believe it or not, this is the reason that having strong muscles - which are supposed to mean fitness and health - 
can actually hurt you. It’s not so much about the strength of the muscles involved as the balance between them.

If they’re out of balance, you end up in PAIN.

If this information is new to you, then you’re really going to love the rest of the book I wrote to you about a few days ago.

It’s called "The 7-Day Back Pain Cure"… written by Jesse Cannone, co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute.

In it, Jesse reveals some of the little-known secrets to reducing back pain… without drugs, injections or expensive surgeries, and for the most part without even having to leave your home.

Consider this the book the medical establishment DOESN’T want you to read, because it reveals the pain relief answers "they" don't want you to know about.

Right now, you can buy Jesse’s book on Amazon for $10.38.


You can visit the page below for simple instructions about how to get it MINUS that $10.38 price tag.

This is a very special book that finally unlocks secrets for dealing with back pain and sciatica that you won’t hear from your doctor or the mainstream medical world.

Click here for details to claim your copy...

To being pain-free,
Jevaughn Brown

Get The 7-Day Back Pain Cure book 100% Free

December 6, 2011

He used to get around by “hopping” on just one leg...

This definitely falls into the Strange But True” category: At one point in Jesse Cannone’s life, he basically got around by “hopping” on one leg... The funny thing is, he had no idea he was doing it!!

But he seriously suffered  because of it, made worse because he was so unconscious of how he was actually moving. Weird but true.

In fact, Jesse suffered from knee pain, scoliosis and back pain because of his problem.

Days before a scheduled surgery to (supposedly) help with the pain in his knee, Jesse discovered a secret that transformed his life forever.

And just seven days after discovering this secret, his knee pain was GONE. A short while after that, his scoliosis and back pain (in his mid-back - the part between his shoulder blades) disappeared as well.

Since the day Jesse first discovered this “secret,” he’s shared it with more than 50,000 people to help them deal with their pain - eliminating everything from upper back pain to piriformis pain and everything in between.

And the best part is, Jesse’s discovery has nothing to do with dangerous  drugs or expensive surgery!

Today, Jesse is making this “secret” available to you in his new book, The 7-Day Back Pain Cure”...

You can buy this right now on Amazon for $10.38 plus shipping and handling...

But please don’t buy it there.

Luckily for us Jesse’s arranged a much better way to get it (MINUS the $10.38 price tag) at the link I've included below.

If you or someone you know suffers from any type of back pain or sciatica, such as my "favorite" piriformis pain, you don’t want to miss this. I’m not sure how long it will be available like this, so seize the day and take a look right now:

To being pain-free,
Jevaughn Brown

P.S. This is actually version 2.0 of Jesse’s book. So it’s a LOT meatier than the first version. It really is an amazing resource...

November 13, 2011

Popular TV Celebrity Dr. Jennifer Ashton Debunks 4 Back Pain Myths [VIDEO]

I just came across a rare-as-rubies example of the lamestream I mean mainstream media actually putting out some genuinely useful information on back pain.

Dr. Jennifer Ashton, a well-known celebrity doctor, neatly debunked 4 of the great myths about back pain that mislead so many and ultimately keep back pain sufferers in pain needlessly.

However, she did miss one absolutely crucial element. My friend Jesse Cannone addresses this missing piece of the pain relief puzzle in his recent blog post:

Go check it out; I’m sure you’ll find Jesse’s insight eye-opening and give you the answers you need on how to enjoy real pain relief if you or a loved one is suffering from back pain.

To being pain free,
Jevaughn Brown

November 3, 2011

Back Pain Relief and Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief Secret #3: Rest Your Body and Mind

The 3rd Secret To Back Pain Relief and Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief: Adequately Rest Your Body and Mind 

Can you remember a time when you were seriously stressed out, anxious, maybe even feeling overwhelmed? Do you remember how tense your muscles got? You could probably feel it most clearly in your shoulders. Yes, the mind-body connection is powerful: your state of mind (your stress levels basically) truly can damage the body. The fact is mental and emotional stress, regardless of the type or the reason for it, is a major cause of or contributor to back pain and sciatic nerve pain - even with more structural-based conditions like piriformis pain syndrome.

But if you allow it to, your body has an amazing power to handle pressure well and heal itself. You just need to give yourself the rest, relaxation and sleep you need for recovery.

But how can you make sure to consistently get the rest necessary to achieve sciatic nerve pain relief or back pain relief? I'm glad you asked…

Get Adequate Rest Throughout The Day
One big mistake many of us make is not taking breaks during the day. For example, sitting all day at work can cause piriformis pain and back pain, even spinal problems and more. If that's your situation, make it a habit to stand up, stretch or walk a little every half hour or so. On the flip side if you're on your feet all day, regularly sit down for a few minutes at a time.

You could also take a power nap for 15-30 minutes – however do NOT take a nap much longer than that; you'll start going into the deeper phases of the sleep cycle and wake up more groggy than rested. So a great habit to develop is to fit breaks or naps or both into your daily routine as is appropriate to your situation.

For many people though, their jobs require them to be sitting down for such long periods that even regular breaks don't bring much pain relief, or they just can't take enough breaks. Is this describing you, too? Or do you want to make sure this never becomes you? Then you need a chair that lets you sit and get your work done without aggravating your back pain or being struck from buttock to leg with sciatic nerve pain flare-ups. I recommend you check out this specially designed office chair and judge if it's right for you.

Daily Relaxation Techniques
All of us have many stresses coming at us in our lives. We deal with more stresses routinely than people in the past so now it's even more important to take the time to truly relax your body and your mind. Vegetating in front of the TV doesn't count by the way.

Some things you can do regularly to get some real relaxation include: sitting quietly on your porch enjoying the ambiance; meditating; taking walks while looking at things far away; doing yoga or Tai-Chi; going to the beach often if you can.

On top of these, one great relaxation technique to use is this easy breathing exercise:
Find a comfortable, quiet place where you won't be disturbed for a while. Sit naturally with your back straight without forcing it. Put your hands on your thighs or your lap and just leave them there. Close your eyes…

Now concentrate on your nostrils and notice the feel of the air as it passes through your nose as you inhale and exhale.

Relax your shoulders and chest and just breathe naturally, don't try to make yourself breathe more deeply, that will happen on its own. Keep paying attention to the sensation in your nose from your breathing.

Breathe in, breathe out. Notice that between your inhale and exhale there is a brief pause; just be aware of it.

Feel your body expand with each breathe in and contract with each breathe out.

It's that simple. But if you do if for 15-20 minutes you'll feel wonderfully reinvigorated. Do it for up to an hour and you'll be stunned with your high energy level throughout the day.

How To Get Enough Good Sleep:
The body heals, grows and builds up tissues primarily during deep sleep. Deep sleep is one part of the sleep cycle we go through at night, so the less sleep you get overall, the less time there is for deep sleep. If you're not getting enough of that deep sleep you basically handicap your body's efforts to heal itself of the inflammation that triggers sciatic nerve pain and back pain.

“You must get 8 hours of sleep every night” is an oversimplification - as with most things how much sleep different individuals need varies within a certain range. 6-9 hours of sleep per night is ideal.

Three Ways to Get Better Sleep
To get those 6-9 hours of sleep regularly it's critical that we don't fall victim to insomnia. And just as important is the quality of our sleep, not just the quantity. Below are 3 simple ways to overcome or avoid lack of sleep and poor quality sleep…

Warm feet carry you swiftly to sleep: You see, blood circulation is comparatively poorest in the feet. Cold feet has been found to cause people to wake up at night (among other things :-) ). A study conducted by Swiss sleep scientists proved that if your feet are warmer than room-temperature you will fall asleep faster. So what’s the easy solution? Wear socks to bed. No, that wasn’t a typo; I said socks. It may or may not be a fashion faux pas, but if this is a problem for you, keeping your feet warm this way can help you go to sleep and stay asleep. Whether you need back pain relief or sciatic nerve pain relief, this tip can help give your body the rest time it needs to heal the inflammation and injury at the root of your pain.

Eat your way to a good night's sleep: For better sleep, your last meal for the day/night should be high in protein. These foods supply your body with the amino acid L-tryptophan which enables the production of melatonin and serotonin, neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) necessary for quality sleep.

Take a powerful natural sleep aid: If getting enough sleep is a persistent, ongoing problem for you, consider using a natural sleep aid. These unique supplements are proven SAFE - unlike prescription sleep medications which I'm sure you'd heard the horror stories about - and full of ingredients proven through research and long history of use to allow people to finally get deep, quality sleep night after night. I recommend you try this one out for FREE here – it is recognized as one of the best formulations out there. FYI: the reason I recommend you try out a free bottle for starters is because not every sleep aid works for everybody. Each person has a unique body chemistry just as we all have unique fingerprints, and for a very tiny minority of people their body chemistry may not respond to this formulation. That's why I suggest you
try this sleep supplement free at no risk - and that's also how confident I am that this one will work for you given its outstanding track record.

Three Sleep-Killing Things to Avoid Right Before Bed
These common actions and habits rob you of a good night's sleep like a thief in the night (pardon the bad pun)…

Eating right before going to bed: In particular, avoid anything loaded with sugar or grains. This is important because such foods when digested rapidly flood your blood with glucose causing a “sugar high”, which forces your body to process all that sugar quickly. In doing this your blood sugar level drops too low for a while and that can wake you up and make it harder to get back to sleep. Also, during sleep your body redirects blood flow to your muscles and other organs for healing and recovery. Therefore it is best that the last food you eat for the night is several hours before bedtime so your body is not forced to digest food while you sleep; interfering with the healing process.

Watching TV or using the computer right before sleeping: This is bad because TV – both the content and the artificial light from the screen itself – stimulates parts of the brain and can disrupt hormone and neurotransmitter levels, making it really hard to fall asleep and/or to achieve healthy deep sleep. If you have a TV in your bedroom and habitually watch it just before going to sleep, you should seriously consider moving the TV to another room. If you use the computer almost right up to the moment you go to bed, try out getting off the computer an hour or so before going to bed and see if you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling better.

Drinking caffeine or alcohol: Drinking coffee or those “energy drinks” in the afternoon will continue to affect many people well into the night and make it harder to fall asleep. Definitely avoid drinking them after dark. Now alcohol does make people drowsy, but it's common for a person to wake up several hours later and be unable to go back to sleep. Most importantly, alcohol blocks you from getting into the deeper stages of sleep when all the healing you need if you have back pain, piriformis pain or other types of sciatic nerve pain happens...

Insufficient rest, relaxation and sleep makes it difficult, even impossible for us to cope with the mental stresses that we all face in some form daily without becoming stressed out. Insufficient rest harms the body directly, making it ineffective at healing and rejuvenating. Without enough rest/sleep and relaxation, tissue inflammation worsens and the body can't properly repair injuries, and these are two of the core causes of cases of sciatic nerve pain and back pain. Thus, regardless of whatever else you do, without using this third "secret" (get some rest), achieving back pain relief and sciatic nerve pain relief is practically impossible.

You've just read a variety of tips, techniques and strategies to ensure you effectively rest your body and mind. You, me, all of us MUST get adequate rest daily to be at our pain-free best. Look at your own life and behavior, see which points apply to you and use the techniques provided. 

Do you need a chair that helps relieve your piriformis pain or back pain instead of worsening it? 
Start doing the breathing exercise for 15 minutes every other day. 
Eat a high-protein low-sugar/starch dinner well before bedtime and don't eat again for the rest of the night. 
Use a safe and effective sleep supplement with zero side-effects to eliminate insomnia and wake up rested and energized every morning... Etc...

Use these tips and experience for yourself how easy enjoying the pain relief you need can be, among many other benefits.

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown

October 17, 2011

Is Poor Health And Back Pain Ruining Your Life? Find Out What You Can Do About It Now

When it comes to overall health, what rating would you give yourself? Would you say that you are in excellent health… above average health… fair health… or poor health?
Well, according to statistics from America’s Health Rankings, as many as 23 percent of people in the U.S. would say that they suffer from fair to poor health. 
How can this be? You have access to thousands of drugs on the market today and doctor’s offices on every corner. 

The truth is… conventional medicine is not doing you any favors.
Also there's recent evidence revealed by the U.S. Department of Education stating that most people are “health illiterate” when it comes to understanding detailed medical instructions because they’re overloaded with medical jargon.
That’s not surprising considering that the medical establishment is hoping that we stay in the dark when it comes to physical and mental well-being. The bottom-line (literally) is if you take charge of your health and pain management and get well, then you won't be taking any drugs or going to any doctors or to the hospital, which means less cash going into their pockets. You being in excellent health is not in the interest of maintaining the livelihood and wealth of those in conventional medicine, and this leads to a focus on profitable treatments first, whether or not they're genuinely safe and effective (with rare exceptions).

Let’s face it: if you suffer from any form of chronic pain, then you’re miserable and desperate to find pain relief you've not been getting up until now.
My friends at The Healthy Back Institute have spent the last 10+ years uncovering little-known secrets for kissing your worst health disasters and chronic pain goodbye once-and-for-all.
By watching this short video, you will discover 1 quick way to relieve your pain in less than 1 minute! I’d say that’s quite a bargain. But that’s not all. You will be introduced to other health tips to help relieve your back pain… reduce your stress... lower your blood pressure levels... improve your flexibility and mobility... and even improve your sex life in the bedroom.
And not only will you experience pain relief now, but this short video will tell you how to prevent chronic pain flare ups in the future. Once you’re pain-free, you’ll be able to enjoy:
•    Picking up and playing with your kids and grandchildren
•    Becoming and remaining mobile … so you don’t become a burden to those you love
•    Living with the confidence and freedom of worry-free days
•    Relief from fatigue, irritability and anxiety
So why not change your life for the better today?  BE the person YOU want to be and DO the things YOU want to do. Stop missing out on your favorite activities… because the days of poor health and back pain controlling your life are about to be OVER!

Stay Healthy My Friends,
Jevaughn Brown

October 15, 2011

Back Pain Treatment University Study Shows Why 80% of Them Don’t Work

I came across a brand new study that I think you, dear reader, will find fascinating - I sure did.
Recently published in The Lancet, a study at Keele University, located south of Liverpool, England, looked at 851 adults with back pain.* They wanted to know why 80% of these folks, with an average age of 50, still complained of back pain one year after visiting their doctor.
It turns out these patients were offered the same standardized back pain treatment when they visited their doctor for their back pain. You know; the “one size fits all” approach… painkillers, generic exercises, and general advice for self-treatment. (Sound familiar?)

Here’s where it gets interesting… When the researchers took a group of 568 of these study subjects and customized their back pain treatment, they saw marked improvement in their pain in as little as 4 months.

In other words, when they were given different options of back pain treatment appropriate to their individual needs, they finally found lasting pain relief. Options like specialized exercises, acupuncture, acupressure points, and even emotional approaches.
At the end of the study, 12 months later, what did they find? Not only did the study members enjoy substantially less back pain, they also reported that they functioned better on a daily basis, both physically and emotionally.

And you know what the real kicker was? After 12 months, those members who had gotten customized back pain treatment reported they were less fearful, less depressed, and in better general health!
You and I both know that no one approach works for everyone, even though traditional health care still wants us to believe that. Everyone’s situation is unique, including the cause of the back pain and therefore what works to banish it for good also varies.
Back pain can occur for so many different reasons: Muscle imbalance… stress and negative emotions… sitting for too long… poor posture… sleeping wrong... Even the foods you eat every day can cause or aggravate back pain - all obviously requiring a more or less different back pain treatment to heal each case.
So if all these things – and more – can cause your back pain, doesn’t it make sense that you might need more than a “standardized approach” to get rid of it?
What if you had a whole selection of choices – a ‘smorgasbord’ of back pain treatment options? After all, what works for certain other men or women may not work for you.

The Healthy Back Institute has gathered their very best collection of back pain treatment tricks and put them together in a brand new report called 101 Back Pain Relief Tricks: Quick and Easy Ways to Finally Beat Back Pain!

For more than a decade the dedicated experts at the Healthy Back Institute have been helping back pain sufferers – over 200,000 of them in 85 different countries – find lasting relief. Believe me, they’ve learned a thing or two over the years (and they were already experts when they started the Institute.) And now they’re ready to pass on their wisdom to you because they know that no ONE approach helps EVERYone!

In 101 Back Pain Relief Tricks, you’ll discover secrets for both immediate relief and long-term healing. And best of all, what they share with you in this special report is simple, fast, and guaranteed to work. It even has about 50 or so videos included showing some of the tips and tricks being used in real life so that you're perfectly clear on how to apply whichever back pain treatment works for you. 

You can tap into a couple of tips a day, or devour the entire
book in one weekend like I did. Either way, you’ll have plenty of proven options to test out in the privacy and convenience of your own home. Find out more about how you can finally beat your back pain - once and for all.

I know you’ve put up with your discomfort long enough. And you’re sick and tired of the “standardized approach” that your doctor keeps handing you. It’s time for a new option… or 101 of them, to be exact.
Click here to find out more.

Stay Healthy My Friends,
Jevaughn Brown
P.S. – If you’re like most people, you’ve probably dabbled with many a back pain treatment that promised relief. Before you spend another dime for the newest potion, supplement, or pricey treatment that may or may not work for your pain, you owe it to yourself, your back, and your wallet to check this out first. Click here now.

*Management of low back pain in primary care: a new approach. The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 29 September 2011, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61033-7

October 12, 2011

2 Foods Never To Eat Before Bed If You Have Back Pain

The 2 types of "healthy food" you should never eat before bedtime if you have back pain! (Tip 34)

~ The best stretch for lower back pain relief while lying in bed - it’s painless. (Tip 2)

~ How to THINK ABOUT your back pain and piriformis pain to get instant relief. (Tip 62)

~ The special type of iced or hot tea that reduces inflammation and pain. (Tip 44)

~ How would you like to enjoy more back pain relief or piriformis pain relief than ever before by being lazy? Can you imagine a physical healing routine so relaxing and enjoyable that you would hate to skip it? That's what you get in Tip 71

~ The pleasant smell you can put in your home and office proven to relieve persistent back pain. (Tip 78)

The little tips and tricks you see above are just some of the ones that my good friend Jesse shared with me recently. Now let me share with you a story that I received the other day from one of my customers...
Two weeks ago, I sat on the edge of my bed to tie my shoes to head out to the gym. As I bent down... YOWZER!!! It felt like someone had stabbed me in my lower back. The sharp stinging pain even radiated down the back of my leg.

And just like that, my whole week was ruined. I called my workout partner and cancelled our workouts, had to cancel the business luncheon I had scheduled and worst of all, I had to tell my daughter that I could not play with her at the park as I had promised. And that one felt worse than the initial pain when I saw the look on her face.

Please help me!!! - Michael B., West Park, FL

Does that sound familiar? I'm sure you've probably had a similar experience in the past. Most people have. I don't consider myself to be a “back pain sufferer” anymore, or even an “expert” though I've studied piriformis pain and back pain in-depth. I’m just as vulnerable as the next guy or gal. I'd be a fool if I said I was somehow immune to experiencing unexpected back pain like Michael did too.

But luckily, I have friends in the right places. I consulted my friend and colleague Jesse Cannone who co-founded The Healthy Back Institute and he shared a couple of tricks with me that actually made Michael's pain fade almost completely in less time than it takes to watch a bad movie. :-)

Obviously to say he was extremely happy would be an understatement...

So I asked Jesse if he would be willing to share a few of these tricks with the rest of my readers and he not only agreed, but he put a few of them together in a quick, easy-to-digest video.

You can check out the video here

You WILL NOT find these little-known tips from an internet search of free information on the web. This isn't the general, common-sense, basic information you see everywhere pretending to be breakthrough secrets. You've never heard or seen many of these proven back pain relief tricks - I guarantee you that. I know I hadn't.

You CAN end your stubborn or chronic back pain now... without drugs or surgery!

The doctors and experts at The Healthy Back Institute used their experience over the past 12 years with 202,000 back pain sufferers in 86 countries to compile an impressive list of powerful tips and tricks to help give you almost-instant back pain relief.

Just seconds from now, you will download and discover unique, different, little-known tips, tricks, secrets and techniques to end your back pain or piriformis pain once and for all.

Check out the video here

You will be glad you did. Even if your back isn't hurting now, it's wise to equip yourself with effective strategies to prevent it from ever happening, and to know what to do if it actually does.

Learn some of these back pain tips in the next few minutes in this information-packed video then get all 101 of them. Watch it now…

Stay Healthy My Friends,
Jevaughn Brown

P.S. If you know anyone who has ever suffered from back pain or sciatica or have a diagnosis like piriformis syndrome, herniated disc, etc please show them this page by clicking the like / share / retweet / digg / stumble / +1 / email-this etc buttons above and below. You'll help them finally get relief from their pain: They’ll love you for it!

October 11, 2011

Just ONE Of These 101 Ways To Back Pain Relief May Be All You Need...

Over the course of more than 10 years, the dedicated team of experts at The Healthy Back Institute, spearheaded by co-founder Jesse Cannone, have helped over 162,000 people in 127 different countries relieve themselves of back pain and sciatic pain - for good.

They've become one of the most highly respected authorities in the world on getting rid of back pain due to their all-natural, safe, holistic, long-term approach to beating back pain permanently.

I’ve watched their growth from strength to strength over the last few of those years and used their material myself. Having lasted and prospered this long, I think it's pretty safe to assume that they've learned a lot of secrets to back pain relief to build on the body of knowledge they share with so many.

If back pain is controlling your life and making you miserable, keep reading to learn how to get 101 ways to reduce or eliminate your pain!

In fact - The Healthy Back Institute team recently sat down, put their decades of combined experience and success together, and wrote out their top 101 back pain tricks. 101 ways to get rid of back pain and sciatic pain - many of which most people have NEVER heard of.

These tricks are EASY... FAST... EFFECTIVE... and the vast majority of them cost either nothing or very little.

Because let's face it...


Your life has been taken over by back pain. You might even feel trapped. Helpless. You're probably even getting worried that this may be something you'll be dealing with for the rest of your life.

So why should YOU have to worry about finding the best way to get rid of your back pain in the fastest, safest, most cost-effective way?

Here's the good news:

You don't!

Because they’ve put together 101 short, powerful, and downright EASY pain relief tricks in a special report which gives you the top 101 ways to get rid of back pain for good. After just a quick read, you won't have to "guess" at what will work for you or bounce from doctor to doctor with no relief in sight.

Instead, you can simply find 2-3 tricks - and try them yourself! No guessing. No researching online. No wasting countless hours at the doctors.

Now, they'll all be saved for you in your "desktop back pain reference guide" called...

Jesse and the team are officially giving you instant access to this special report right now so you can start using these powerful techniques immediately.

Every single one of them has been scientifically proven to deliver temporary or permanent back pain relief.

Not only that, they’ve also included many tips which are designed not just to help you lose your pain... but also reduce your stress... lower blood pressure... gain more flexibility and mobility... and even have better sex more often!

When you read below just some of what’s inside you’ll see why I think anybody serious about getting back pain relief or sciatic pain relief won’t be able to pass up getting their own copy of this powerful report. This is real and happening now.

Here are just a few of the tricks you’ll discover inside this special report...

~ The “back pain blow torch” technique which brings a whole new meaning of “heat therapy” to reducing back pain! (Don’t worry - no blow torches are actually involved!)

~ How to create your own “home health spa in a a box” - This takes 2 minutes, costs next to nothing, and is the next-best thing to a hot tub or jacuzzi!

~ The “Fabulous Five” ways to save your back, neck and wrist while working.

~ Tip #43: Why there’s a 75% chance bacteria is causing your back pain - PLUS exactly what NOT to do if you want to safely remove this pain-causing bacteria!

~ What to eat and what not to eat... tip #47 reveals our top 11 “must-haves” and our bottom 11 “must NOT haves”!

~ Suffering from “mystery pain”? Tip #52 reveals why... and exactly what you need to do to uncover your pain mystery!

~ Thunderstorm Therapy - How to use the power of thunderstorms to speed healing, boost your immune system, and even fight depression!

~ Why “stinkin thinkin” can actually CAUSE back pain... and the 1 single word you should NEVER use if you want your back pain to disappear. (Tip #62)

~ Tip #83: How to quickly eliminate pain from nearly ANY area of your body... by using a simple technique with the tips of your fingers!

~ Tip #96: The little-known Japanese secret you’ve never heard of which gently but powerfully removes stress, emotional strain, mental fatigue... and PAIN…

If you get ONE single idea that you can use out of the 101 in this report... wouldn’t that be worth it for you to live a pain-free life?

I could ramble on about how great this report is but I’ll do something much better: I invite you to watch this FREE video presentation from the experts themselves giving you a sneak preview, a taste or two of what you’ll get out of this special report. Just the first sneak peek you’ll see is of a essentially "underground" medical treatment which has been shown to increase healing by up to 350% with NO side effects. Not a one. Find out which famous professional athlete I bet you know used this treatment to get back in the game after his regular doctors wrote him off for the season.

You’ve got to see this video - Click here and watch: 101 Ways To Beat Back Pain Sneak Peek

Stay Healthy My Friends,
Jevaughn Brown

P.S. If you know anyone who has ever suffered from back pain or sciatica or have a diagnosis like piriformis syndrome, herniated disc, etc please show them this page by clicking the like / share / retweet / digg / stumble / +1 / email-this etc buttons above and below. You'll help them finally get relief from their back pain. They’ll love you for it!

October 10, 2011

101 Ways to End Back Pain and Sciatica

101 Ways to End Back Pain and Sciatica

If you’re anything like me, back pain occasionally rears its ugly head and bites you - usually at the worst possible time. I bend over to tie my shoe laces - and get a sharp twinge. You know the one I’m talking about. And then suddenly I have an aching back for days.  

The worst part of dealing with back pain for me is actually not even the pain really; but the fact that it keeps me from doing the things I love to do. Things like working out; “playing” (aka working) on my business; or just having fun with my friends. I’m human and I’d be lying to you if I told you I was Superman and never got back pain too. Worse, I’ve watched my mother suffering from piriformis pain sciatica for years, which is what inspired me to research effective treatments and finally to create this website. Because I know that I and my mother weren’t the only ones suffering with these condtions out there. Untold millions deal with back pain and sciatica worldwide. In fact over 50 million will experience back pain just in America alone this year.  

Luckily, during my last bout with nagging back pain, I reached out to my good friend Jesse and he graciously shared a tip with me that was so powerful that I had about an 80% improvement in just 90 minutes! 

I’m not going to try and explain it to you myself because I’m not the back pain expert - That’s Jesse’s area of expertise. He’s just full of little tips and tricks from his many years of experience that actually help people get significant, even total pain relief almost instantly, as in my case. Better yet these are things you can do yourself instead of paying some serious money to a specialist to work on your back pain for you. Or worse - resorting to potentially dangerous and unreliable surgery. You just have to try them and see.

I asked him to tell you what he taught me so he put together a quick little presentation to tell you all about it right here: 1 Simple Trick To End Back Pain For Good < ~ Click Here

If you’ve read this far then you probably get these nagging pains in your back too, or in your glutes (buttocks) shooting down into your thighs in the case of piriformis pain. Or maybe you have a chronic pain condition that you think might turn out to be permanent. I assure you, you don’t have to live with either occasional or constant back pain or sciatica. The truth is though there is no one umbrella back pain cure that works for everybody. There are tons of strategies and treatments available (but only known by a select few experts.) You have to try several until you find the one that works for you like the one in Jesse's presentation worked for me: 101 Ways To Get Back Pain Relief < ~ Click Here

Don’t let back pain keep you from doing the things you love.  

Jesse has helped over 200,000 worldwide since he co-founded The Healthy Back Institute in 2002.  He has been featured on NBC4, Spine Health, and many other popular shows teaching people how to get permanent relief from back pain and sciatica by identifying the true underlying cause of it in each individual case. 

Please, for your own sake, check out his short presentation and try out the strategies he shares in it. Afterwards I’d love if you would come back and leave a comment to let me know which one or more of them worked for you. Click here and watch as 101 Back Pain Relief Tricks are revealed to you.

Stay Healthy My Friends,
Jevaughn Brown

PS: If you know anyone who has ever suffered from back pain or sciatica to any degree or have a diagnosis like piriformis syndrome, herniated disc, etc please show them this page by clicking the like / share / retweet / digg / stumble / +1 / email-this etc buttons above and below. You'll help them finally get relief from their back pain. They’ll love you for it!

Learn 101 Ways To End Back Pain And Sciatica Now

October 3, 2011

5 Tips For Getting Rid Of Piriformis Pain And Back Pain

So many people the world over suffer from piriformis pain and back pain unnecessarily when there is actually a very simple step-by-step solution to healing these conditions, according to Jesse Cannone, certified personal trainer, back pain specialist and co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute. “Unfortunately, many people are led to believe that back pain is normal and we’re all supposed to experience it... well, thankfully, that’s not the case. Eliminating back pain is not nearly as difficult as most people think or are led to believe... it can actually be easy!” says Cannone.

Now here’s the simple 5-step system that MUST be followed if you are looking for real, long-term, lasting piriformis pain and back pain relief:

Nearly all of the treatments for back pain and treatments for sciatica people receive only focus on the symptoms and the healthcare professionals most people go to focus very narrowly only on the area where the pain is. The real key in eliminating back pain and piriformis pain is to find out exactly what’s causing the problem... (And by the way, the causes of these conditions usually ISN’T in your back!)

The best way to go is a combination of using treatments that first quickly relieve the symptom of pain – such as in the video I share in the article One Of The Best Piriformis Stretches Ever For Relieving Piriformis Pain – and simultaneously doing treatments that correct the underlying cause.

It is critical for a piriformis pain sufferer to get in tune with their body. In fact this is true with ANY pain condition. Many people are not sensitive to their bodies, for various reasons. The problem is that if you’re not in tune with your body, then you aren’t able to notice what treatment is working well, and what is not really working at all to relieve your piriformis pain. You can't gauge the speed of your progress. In order to achieve long-term pain relief you have to understand how your body works, what’s causing the problem, what changes have to be made to correct it AND learn to sense how your body is doing in healing itself over time. That way you can make any needed changes to your treatment activities as you go along to improve your results.

Succeeding at anything calls for consistency and being focused with your actions. Most people with piriformis pain or back pain just won't make the time to work on their problem every day... They’d rather take dangerous painkillers constantly to suppress the pain – which just allows them to cause more damage to their bodies that worsens the pain and makes the condition harder to fix. Are YOU willing to do things differently to finally free yourself of the pain?

“Duh”, right? Well the fact is violating this point often seems to be part of being human. We already know that most traditional treatments for sciatica and for back pain don't work.... So why waste your time, energy, and money? Don’t get sucked (back) in to struggling once again with these treatments that regularly fail. The real key to eliminating your pain is to identify the true cause of the pain and then address it with a combination of treatments to correct both cause and symptoms. 

Look, over 80% of all forms of back pain are caused by muscle imbalances... NOT a lack of painkillers, injections or surgery! Find out what's going on in your body and take action...

Jesse, a world-recognized expert, has a new book out now aptly titled, “The 7-Day Back Pain Cure”. In it he expands on these 5 tips and reveals even more, guiding you to find the source of your pain; understand why other approaches to get rid of it have failed; and then create a “made-to-order” treatment plan tailored to your exact condition. Best of all, the book itself is FREE if you click here to get your copy.

Watch the video on the page to learn more then claim a free copy of The 7-Day Back Pain Cure.

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown

P.S. Please Like / Share / ReTweet / Digg / Stumble / +1 / Etc this page and help out those you care about.  Your friends will thank you!