December 9, 2011

Strong Muscles Equal Pain? Who’s Winning The Tug Of War Within YOUR Body?

Strong Muscles Equal Pain? Who’s Winning The Tug Of War Within YOUR Body?

Right now, as you sit there reading this, there’s a relentless "battle" taking place inside your body.

In essence, what's happening is that your muscles are competing with each other in what you can think of as a game of “Tug of War.” Over time, some of your muscles grow
stronger and some grow weaker.

This “battle” persists until your muscles are so out of balance that they actually cause pain by one or the other of several different ways… including piriformis pain and back pain.

Believe it or not, this is the reason that having strong muscles - which are supposed to mean fitness and health - 
can actually hurt you. It’s not so much about the strength of the muscles involved as the balance between them.

If they’re out of balance, you end up in PAIN.

If this information is new to you, then you’re really going to love the rest of the book I wrote to you about a few days ago.

It’s called "The 7-Day Back Pain Cure"… written by Jesse Cannone, co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute.

In it, Jesse reveals some of the little-known secrets to reducing back pain… without drugs, injections or expensive surgeries, and for the most part without even having to leave your home.

Consider this the book the medical establishment DOESN’T want you to read, because it reveals the pain relief answers "they" don't want you to know about.

Right now, you can buy Jesse’s book on Amazon for $10.38.


You can visit the page below for simple instructions about how to get it MINUS that $10.38 price tag.

This is a very special book that finally unlocks secrets for dealing with back pain and sciatica that you won’t hear from your doctor or the mainstream medical world.

Click here for details to claim your copy...

To being pain-free,
Jevaughn Brown

Get The 7-Day Back Pain Cure book 100% Free

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