September 26, 2011

Fast Back Pain Relief and Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief Secret 2 - Stop Exercising

8 Secrets To Fast Back Pain Relief and Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief: Secret #2 - Stop Exercising

Regular exercise, ideally on a daily basis, is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle to achieve and maintain a healthy body and mind and long life. Being sedentary is not a good thing and as I've mentioned in previous posts, it can be one of the factors causing you to be in pain. For example, prolonged sitting on a daily basis over the years can lead to a shortened/tight piriformis muscle in the hip, leading to "piriformis pain", a common form of sciatica. 

Exercise is vital - But as we all know, everything has its appropriate time and place and there are exceptions to every rule. When you're suffering and need sciatic nerve pain relief and back pain relief, one is in a special situation. So the question is; Is continuing or starting to exercise a good idea when you have back pain and sciatic nerve pain?

Simply put - No. The common exercises people choose to do often make these pain conditions worse not better. For instance, do you like to go jogging or cycling? Unfortunately, as I discussed earlier in Muscle Imbalance - The Secret Source Of Piriformis Pain and Sciatica Back Pain, runners and bikers can wind up with piriformis syndrome too right along with the desk jockeys, because if they neglect to do the right stretches their piriformis muscle gets tight/inflexible as it gets stronger from exercise. Eventually it puts pressure on the sciatic nerve and so they get piriformis pain.

The above example illustrates why we need to be careful about what exercises we do when seeking sciatic nerve pain relief - We have to FIRST identify the physical dysfunctions that are creating the pain or else we can't know what will aggravate the problem. There are several potential causes to any case of back pain or sciatic nerve pain. Until you figure out what's the cause of the pain in your back, thigh or buttocks, you can't know if the exercise you're doing is just going to reinforce your pain. And the odds are very good that it will...

There are very easy tests you can do for yourself to find out what specific sciatic nerve pain condition or back pain condition (or both) you're suffering from. The self-assessment allows you to find out what the hidden root cause of your persistent pain is so you can move forward in eliminating it - You can learn it from this book available free when you click here. 

Exercising is a must. But sciatica and back pain are not forgiving conditions. It is usually wisest to take a break from all exercise until you determine the muscle imbalance and physical dysfunction your body is affected by and start eliminating it. You don't want to be jogging every day and tightening your already-tight piriformis that's giving you sciatica; or doing heavy weightlifting and disturbing a herniated disc even more and so on.

Treat yourself as a good doctor treats you: “First Do No Harm.” The muscle imbalances and related dysfunctions contributing to the pain you're going through developed over time around factors like which muscles you naturally favor when you walk and stand;
what injuries you've had; what sports you played; what exercise program you follow; how you sit; how long you sit on average... So we have to hit pause so to speak on our physical activities for a little while and trace what got us here and is keeping us here in pain and get rid of it.

When you learn the true nature of your personal case of sciatic nerve pain/back pain by identifying the muscle imbalances behind it, then you can find out what exercise you can do and what exercise you can't do (for now) to become pain free fast...

Inside The 7-Day Back Pain Cure book you will find instructions on how to simply, easily do a FULL assessment on yourself to correctly identify your body's imbalances. Based on that you're then given a personalized treatment plan for permanently fixing them. Without drugs, without surgery, without having to spending a lot of money on some specialist.

This sciatic nerve pain relief and back pain relief breakthrough is real physical book you can buy on Amazon, but you can get it here FREE instead. You just cover the shipping and handling - part of which actually goes to either Habitat For Humanity or by your choice. 

I encourage you to check out this worldwide "bestseller" and grab a copy while it's still being given away Free. Learn now, as I did, how to get back pain relief and sciatic nerve pain relief fast...

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown 

P.S. Please Like / Share / ReTweet / Digg / +1 / Stumble / Etc this page and help out those you care about.  Your friends will thank you!
Get The 7-Day Back Pain Cure FREE

September 23, 2011

8 Secrets To Fast Back Pain Relief and Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief Part 1 - Inflammation

Your number one priority if you want to get back pain relief or sciatic nerve pain relief is to control inflammation in your body. So why is this true and what is inflammation?...

Research shows that inflammation is the #1 (biochemical) “cause” of pain in the body. To be more specific though, inflammation is NOT the fundamental cause of your sciatic nerve pain or your back pain – it is a SYMPTOM of another problem. But it IS the major mechanism in the body by which pain signals are triggered making us experience pain.

The fact is, if you’re in need of upper or lower back pain relief; you have inflammation.

If you have piriformis pain due to piriformis muscle syndrome and need sciatic nerve pain relief; you have inflammation.

If you’re in pain from herniated discs, arthritis, scoliosis, etc; you have inflammation.

If you got injured in an accident; playing sports; or through a working life of hard, manual labor; yes you guessed it; you have inflammation at the site of your injury.

Every part of your body where you feel pain, especially in your muscles, is a site of tissue inflammation. Why?

Because inflammation is the body’s primary overall response to injury or damage or infection in an area. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary defines inflammation as “The reaction of a part of the body to injury or infection, characterized by swelling, heat, redness, and pain. The process includes increased blood flow with an influx of white blood cells and other chemical substances that facilitate healing.” Inflammation produces chemicals that set off pain as the body’s alarm signal to you that “Hey, there’s something wrong over here!” Thus you refrain from doing those back flips you love to practice that would aggravate the problem when your sciatic nerve pain flares up. :-) It is a vital process, but instead of ending in healing, it can go wrong and become prolonged for months or even years for various reasons...

Since it is the chemical root of pain, logically the first thing you need to do to reduce your pain fast is to cut down the excess inflammation where it hurts. Afterward you get to work on the true foundational cause of your pain condition to obtain lasting back pain relief or sciatic nerve pain relief. After all, how can you work on fixing let’s say your piriformis pain if you can barely bend or walk out of sheer agony because of it?

Now there are two kinds of pain: nerve pain – most often caused by inflammation of surrounding soft tissue putting pressure on your nerves – and tissue pain caused by inflammation in your muscles. Sciatic nerve pain stems from a pressured, irritated sciatic nerve. It is common however to have both types of pain when it comes to leg pain
and back back conditions. A perfect example is piriformis pain, where the hip's piriformis muscle squeezes the sciatic nerve – the piriformis itself may be inflamed and swollen, causing it to put pressure on the sciatic nerve, which then leads to the sciatic nerve becoming inflamed and causing pain too! And you end up with the sharp, shooting pains and numbness of sciatica between the buttocks and legs.

So it can be one type or both because while pain may be caused by nerve irritation/damage, inflamed soft tissue may be what is hurting those nerves and generating its own pain too. With all that said, I bet you’re asking, “Well if it’s part of the healing process, why isn’t my back injury/piriformis muscle/herniated disc/whatever healing with all this inflammation that’s going on?” Excellent question and I’m glad you asked…

You see, beginning around the age of 25 your body starts to slow down in making the enzymes that fight inflammation; the enzymes that come in later and “cool down” the inflammation so that it doesn’t interfere with full healing. These enzymes are one of the main reasons why when you sprained your ankle at 15 it healed in a couple of weeks but if that happens at 45 it commonly takes six weeks or more.

Let’s continue with this illustration… So you’re 15 and you sprained your ankle. Your immune system kicks in and releases Circulating Immune Complex protein (CIC). CIC molecules travel to the injured ankle and cause pain plus swelling from increased blood flow and retention. The pain let’s you know you’re hurt and where. The swelling stops you from foolishly moving it and causing more damage. The swelling is nutrient-rich blood filled with antibodies, vital cells and natural chemicals that begin healing the damage.
Then what normally happens after a while is our bodies produce proteolytic enzymes which counteract the inflammation, which has served its short-term purpose, and things return to normal as you continue to heal. All that is working optimally so the sprain is repaired in a few weeks.

After age 25 however, our production of these enzymes fades gradually so there’s less and less there with each passing year to stop inflammation. Thus pain and swelling lasts longer and healing takes longer the older you get. That ankle keeps on hurting longer. Proteolytic enzymes also clean the blood, destroy harmful viruses and bacteria, and break down excess scar tissue throughout the body.

These enzymes are incredibly crucial to our health and wellbeing. But aging begins early to rob us of these vital compounds making harder and harder to get sciatic nerve pain relief or back pain relief. The muscle imbalances and other things that trigger an inflammatory response in our muscles or nerves MUST be dealt with directly or any pain relief will only be temporary. But we CAN deal with the inflammation causing the painful sensations that interfere with daily life and enjoyment so much by replacing and boosting these special enzymes in our body.

The fastest, safest and most effective way I have ever found to re-supply the body with proteolytic enzymes is with all-natural Heal-n-Soothe™, made to the highest standards with NO fillers or preservatives.

Remember how inflammation is an immune system and damage control response to an injury, infection or irritation? This means it is not limited to just happening in your muscles or joints or body nerves. This is bigger than piriformis pain/sciatic nerve pain relief; bigger than lower back pain relief. The New England Journal of Medicine published a study very recently showing "convincing evidence that inflammation is strongly linked to heart attacks and stroke."

A Harvard study was even more explicit, stating, "half of all heart attacks are caused by inflammation."

As if that wasn’t bad enough, The Annals of Neurology published a study that found that, "inflammation is linked to Alzheimer's and other dementing diseases." And these findings are just the tip of the iceberg. Back pain is one thing, but eliminating uncontrolled inflammation can be a matter of life and death.

Heal-n-Soothe™ goes even further than giving us these vital enzymes. It’s also loaded with 12 time-tested natural painkillers that actually do work. Scientific medical studies have proven all of them to be as effective or MORE effective than the toxic over-the-counter and prescription painkillers you’ve probably been using, with their ever-growing lists of "side-effects" – Some of which don’t even work that well against pain in reality.

Click here and discover the top 12 painkillers, the facts on life-saving pain-relieving proteolytic enzymes, and how you can get it all in one bottle. For free.

And as always...

P.S. Please Like / Share / ReTweet / Digg / +1 / Stumble / Etc this page and help out those you care about.  Your friends will thank you!

September 20, 2011

Do You Buy Painkillers Among the Most Dangerous to Take? Discover the Worst and the Best Painkillers

I’m all about finding pain relief solutions that work and sharing them on this site. The real key is always to find the root cause of the pain and correct that. Sometimes the problem is structural such as muscle imbalances in the case of piriformis pain. But at the cellular level there's always inflammation and the production of certain chemicals underneath every pain condition. So we actually buy painkillers to relieve pain by reducing these body chemicals (hopefully just until we’ve eliminated the root cause.) 

But did you know that you might be risking your life every time you buy painkillers over-the-counter or by prescription and take them? During my research recently, I found an article that you absolutely must read ASAP if you or a loved one are using any type of painkiller.

The article reveals the 5 most dangerous painkillers.<--- Click Here

Advil, Aleve, Bayer, Celebrex, Demerol, Motrin, Naproxen, Oxycontin, Percocet, Tylenol, Ultram, Vicodin... We buy painkillers like these and more because they are the household names we grew up with or keep seeing marketed to us on TV…

...but which ones - if any - are truly the best painkillers to take, and which can not only be harmful, but deadly?

The 5 Most Dangerous Painkillers...<--- Click Here

Constipation... Dizziness... Drowsiness... Headache... Heart Attack... Internal Bleeding... Liver Failure... Nausea... Stroke... Vomiting...

Some of the best-selling painkillers on the market are not actually the best painkillers out there. One study estimated over 16,500 people die each year from drugs like those I just listed. Another found that people are 3.4 times more likely to have a heart attack while taking one popular painkiller at the recommended dose!

So how are we supposed to deal with pain effectively if to buy painkillers advertised as being the best painkillers is to put your health, or even your life, in jeopardy? If so many popular pain drugs are scientifically proven to NOT be safe, what ARE the best painkillers?

Find out all the shocking details now; the good, the bad and the deadly, in this eye-opening article on the 5 most dangerous painkillers.

Plus you'll find out what the non-toxic alternatives proven to be as or more effective than them are at the end.

If you value your health and the health of your loved ones more than anything – and I know you do if you’ve read this far – please read this exposé as soon as you can.

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown

P.S. Once you're done reading this article, you're going to want to let everyone you care about know about it too - It is that important... just use the buttons at the top and bottom of this post to Like / Share / ReTweet / Digg / +1 / Stumble / Etc this page and help protect those you care about. It's easy, you will look like a hero and they'll thank you for it!

The 5 Most Dangerous Painkillers...<--- Click Here

September 18, 2011

Can Chiropractic Care Alone Stop Piriformis Pain and Sciatic Pain?

Imagine you said “no thanks” to taking the unavoidable risks of going under the knife. Instead, you opted for consulting a chiropractor to deal with your back pain or piriformis pain, thinking that at least these guys won’t want to do surgery on me to fix my sciatica. Is chiropractic care really going to turn out to be the solution you're looking for? You're about to find out...

Chiropractors work on the spine and the soft tissue around it. They believe that if you’re in pain that it stems from a misalignment of some sort in the spinal area. This misalignment in their view blocks or affects signals from the brain conducted by the major nerves coming out of the spine; for example by vertebrae pinching a nerve. This interference causes pain and other problems since the nervous system controls the functioning of the body. Therefore their answer is to expertly manipulate the spine to correct its alignment and thus allow nerve signals to flow freely and normally which should eliminate the pain.

If you’re suffering from nerve-based pain, as is obviously the case with sciatica, this approach may indeed work. But not always - the devil is in the details. If the painful nerve irritation (due to it being squeezed, pinched or inflamed) is occurring somewhere other than at the spine, then aligning the spine may not help since the pain source is not in that region. Specifically, this is the problem with using chiropractic treatments on piriformis pain - piriformis pain occurs due to piriformis syndrome where the piriformis, a muscle in the pelvis, becomes misaligned (for various possible reasons) and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve as it passes by it. You see, spinal issues such as a herniated disc are not the only causes of sciatica and back pain, therefore treatments targeting the spine only miss the mark in many cases.

We have to ask the right questions to find the right answers. And the question to always ask when faced with chronic back pain, piriformis pain, and other manifestations of sciatica is “What is the CAUSE of my pain?” “If the chiropractic adjustments aren’t working, is the problem really my spine?” “Could it actually be my piriformis muscle, or somewhere else?
Chiropractic treatment is good for nerve-based back pain IF the problem's rooted in the spine. An even better question is, “WHY is my spine becoming misaligned?” And the answer to that one is: muscle imbalances. You’ll find a detailed explanation of what they are in Muscle Imbalance - The Secret Source Of Piriformis Pain and Sciatica Back Pain

Muscle imbalances are what make your muscles pull your spine out of alignment by exerting unequal pressure along the length of the spine. Because of this realigning the spine only works for 12-48 hours or so – until the imbalanced muscles shift the spine again in the same way as before, restarting the pain. The spine is the victim, not the perpetrator so to speak. Chiropractic care does not address this problem directly. So it works only eventually: given 2 to 4 months of treatment, about 3 times a week, assuming your insurance doesn’t run out before then...

If this seems to be an incomplete solution to you, you’re not alone; it does to me too. Quality chiropractic care clearly is on the right track though when it's applicable – What is missing is a systematic way to find and correct the muscle imbalance that's creating the spinal problem that is creating the nerve pain. This is where Muscle-Balance Therapy comes in. Combined with chiropractic work it is a very effective approach to treating sciatica and back pain caused by vertebrae interfering with nerves. Chiropractic treatments get your spine into alignment, and Muscle-Balance Therapy keeps it there, reducing the number of treatments needed and the likelihood of the pain coming back. Without correcting the muscle imbalances at the same time, chiropractic care ends up being an expensive 24–48 hours of relief a pop. And that’s only if the pain is based in the spine. One of the most common cases of sciatica is piriformis pain, and as the name suggests, the condition behind it - piriformis muscle syndrome - will respond to Muscle-Balance Therapy, rather than to spinal adjustments alone.

Unfortunately, there are few chiropractors out there who are even aware of how muscle imbalances work in depth, let alone are trained in fixing them, so you’re unlikely to find such an advanced practitioner in your area. You will need to do additional treatments dealing with your muscle imbalances to achieve permanent pain relief.

If you want to know more about what it is and how Muscle-Balance Therapy may be your ticket out of a world of pain, click here...

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown
Get Muscle-Balance Therapy for lasting pain relief

P.S. Please Like, Share, ReTweet, Digg, +1, Buzz, Stumble, Etc Social Media Etc this page if you got value out of what you just read - Your friends will thank you!

September 15, 2011

Is Your Job Killing Your Back, Butt or Both?

Do you live with back pain day after day? Do you endure pain running from your buttocks down into your thigh that flares up time and time again? Usually that's piriformis pain (but naturally you need to test to be sure.) Well, did you know that the problem in both these cases most likely has nothing to do with your back or your legs?

You see, the truth is in our modern day lifestyles we constantly fold and hold our bodies for long periods of time in positions that are biologically abnormal for us. Whether it’s working at your desk for 8... 9... 10 hours a day, commuting to work, relaxing and watching TV, etc, your body isn’t meant to stay in the “sitting” position for very long. Just watch the National Geographic Channel when they're featuring tribal peoples who still live as people did in pre-"civilized" times - You'll notice they're almost never sitting in one place for as long as we do today.

Now I don't know about you, but I'm a modern-day kind of guy, and even though I like to exercise, outside of that, whether I'm working, driving, hanging out or enjoying some entertainment: I'm usually sitting. It all adds up to the majority of most days spent - more or less - parked on my derriere. And I dare say that's true for most of us. And the catch is even if you avoid this trap in your personal time, the vast majority of us can't avoid many hours of chair-riding when it comes to our work hours on the job.

What’s the result of this? The body becomes misaligned… especially your hips. After a prolonged period of time of this, your hips start to pull excessively on the tendons and ligaments that connect it to your back. This constant pulling is the most common cause of the sharp or dull back pain most people suffer from at some time in their life; including me not too long ago.

For others, it leads to piriformis pain. Piriformis pain occurs in this instance because some people tend to sit nearer the edge of the chair with their feet apart and toes pointed outward - The piriformis muscle is in the hip area and it's the major muscle that rotates your leg/feet outwards. Thus in these cases the piriformis muscle is constantly contracted and shortened, and eventually becomes tight and stiff. In this position it then squeezes the sciatic nerve, creating piriformis pain. The medical name is piriformis muscle syndrome.

If you were to go to a typical doctor, you’d probably be told to do some stretches to “fix” your back or your leg respectively.

But there’s a problem with this "solution"...

Most of these stretches are designed to loosen your joints. And the key factor that these doctors unfortunately don’t know about is that you don’t want loose joints. You want them to be tight. Tight joints mean stable, strong joints that help prevent injury in the first place.

That’s why I recommend a specific set of stretches to anyone with these painful conditions. I revealed two of those amazing stretches - with video - that relieve piriformis pain in my previous articles; One Of The Best Piriformis Stretches Ever For Relieving Piriformis Pain and in As Easy As Sitting: Another Powerful Piriformis Pain Stretch

The following stretches are ones I show to anyone I know with general back pain. They help realign your hips and other major joint regions to relieve stress on your back, but also works to keep those joints nice and tight to resist injury in the future. Do these great stretches from my friends over at the Healthy Back Institute daily to reduce or better yet avoid back pain...

Shoulder Stretch: You really need to stretch and develop these muscles' flexibility because they are prone to injury. Tight shoulder muscles also contribute to back and neck pain, especially if your head and shoulders droop forward.
How To: Stand in an open doorway. Raising your arm to a 90-degree angle with palm facing out, press your hand and shoulder against the wall and doorjamb. You should feel the wall against your armpit. Slowly increase the tension as you push forward. Hold for a 10 count. Then repeat with the other arm.

Hip Flexor Stretch: You seriously have to do this stretch if you sit all day at work like me. Sitting all day puts pressure on the hip flexor muscles. This is a major cause of minor lower back pain (if you can call any back pain “minor”). It's totally avoidable - Stretching your hip flexor muscles several times a week will prevent this kind of lower back pain.
How To: Stand in a modified runner's stance, with right foot forward and left foot back, feet flat on floor. Put your hands on your hips and keep your back and hips in straight alignment. Push forward with your hips, while maintaining your erect posture. Slowly, push your hips forward only until you feel a comfortable level of tension. Hold for a count of 10. Switch sides by reversing your leg stance and repeat.

Give these a try. They work like a charm for me. If you're already following an exercise program that's even better; you can fit these into your warm-up or wherever you judge best. Start off every other day and go from there. Consistency is vital.

There are other steps you can take to overcome back pain and sciatica naturally, too. In fact, Jesse Cannone – a top pain relief expert, fitness trainer and co-founder of the Healthy Back Institute – has written a book called The 7-Day Back Pain Cure. It shows you how to identify the real root of back pain/piriformis pain/sciatic pain problems as there are a variety of causes and attacking the wrong cause will not bring pain relief. Then it teaches you how to fix them without drugs, injections, or surgery - which don't really FIX anything anyway. 

The book also reveals numerous measures you can take to prevent back pain in the future. Truly invaluable information coming from someone who's been treating clients in pain for well over a decade.

It's not an eBook or anything like that - it's a real book for sale on Amazon, but don't go buy it because if you go to his website right now you can get a Free copy. You just pay a small shipping fee...
And it gets even better... a portion of your shipping fee is donated to one of two great charities: Habitat for Humanity or - you choose which.

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown 

Try The 7-Day Back Pain Cure

P.S. Please Like, Share, ReTweet, Digg, +1, Buzz, Stumble, Etc Social Media Etc this page if you got value out of what you just read - Your friends will thank you!

September 13, 2011

As Easy As Sitting: Another Powerful Piriformis Pain Stretch

Another Powerful Piriformis Pain/Sciatica Stretch

A few days ago I shared a short but powerful video demonstrating a simple piriformis stretch that has been a god-send for many a piriformis pain sufferer. Of course, it is fantastic for practically all sciatic pain sufferers too. Thousands have found rapid relief from doing this stretch regularly. You can watch it over at One Of The Best Piriformis Stretches Ever For Relieving Piriformis Pain

Now continuing in this series of piriformis stretches, I present to you another video of a piriformis stretch/sciatica stretch that is even easier to do than the last one. You can just take a few minutes literally anywhere, while seated to boot, and do this simple stretch and ease your piriformis pain... (This type of sciatic pain is caused by piriformis muscle syndrome - You can learn how to identify if you have this syndrome, how it "works" and how to cure the piriformis pain here.) If you're hurting anywhere in the thighs, buttocks, hips, and/or back try this out for a few days and feel some of that persistent pain fade away. Especially if it's piriformis pain, which is the focus of this website.

Now watch below as Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT, Co-Founder of The Healthy Back Institute demonstrates for us...

You can receive a free copy of the Sciatica Relief Guide Jesse talked about when you click right here.

That was the easiest piriformis pain/sciatica pain stretch you've ever seen wasn't it? It CAN literally be done anywhere too - most of us are sitting most of the day and night anyway, and this stretch only takes about a minute to do. It's fitting too, since sitting around too long on a daily basis is a major contributing factor to developing piriformis pain. Now we can ease the pain while sitting!

Remember to do this stretch regularly and with focus to get the full benefit of it.

Again, for far more accurate information about sciatica pain and back pain and how to stop the pain, claim your "Sciatica Advisory" for free that shows how you can potentially eliminate your sciatica in as little as 2 days...

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown
Check out "The 7-Day Back Pain Cure" Book FREE & help charity...

P.S. Please Like, Share, ReTweet, Digg, +1, Buzz, Stumble, Etc Social Media Etc this page if you got value out of what you just read - Your friends will thank you!

September 11, 2011

The 3 Core Steps To Treatments For Sciatica Back Pain That Work

The 3 Core Steps Of Treatments For Sciatica Back Pain That Work

In order to get long-term sciatica back pain relief, especially when its in the form of piriformis pain, you have to start with the root cause - muscle imbalances. This means you have to find the muscle imbalances that you have and then work towards correcting and improving them. You can find a clear explanation of what muscle imbalances here in Muscle Imbalance - The Secret Source Of Piriformis Pain and Sciatica Back Pain.

Don't be put off by the technical terminology; it’s not difficult to understand the foundations of the pain you’re going through. And even more importantly it’s not difficult to treat and even cure sciatica back pain. All you need is the right information (from those who know what they’re talking about) and the right methods.

So how do you do find out which muscle imbalances you have and how to work on them to eliminate your pain? There's a simple 3 step approach to doing this that has worked with every type of sciatica back pain for hundred of thousands of real people just like you. From piriformis pain to herniated disk pain, this is how to go about healing the body...

Here Are The 3 Steps To Eliminate Your Sciatica Back Pain...

Step 1: Pinpoint the Cause
You do this by finding out which condition you actually have. For example, is it piriformis pain? That means you have piriformis muscle syndrome. And you don’t even need to pay anyone to determine this - there are special "self assessments" you can learn to do yourself that will identify what’s wrong in the body causing the pain in the back-pelvis-leg region. (By the way, piriformis pain is the most common form of sciatic pain.) Then you can find out the muscle imbalances that created it and attack them directly. The simple self assessment tests for sciatica back pain I mentioned before will show you how to do this. More on that later.

Step 2: Treat the Symptoms
So you’ve done that and found out what’s painfully dysfunctional in your body. Great; there’s only one problem – you’re in so much pain you can hardly move! How are you going to implement the treatments that may potentially cure the sciatica or back pain if you're pratically crippled with agony? Obviously you have to reduce the pain way down so you can do what you have to do in the 3rd step. There are techniques that help tremendously with this kind of pain, particularly some simple but precise stretches appropriate for sciatica back pain. You can watch a video of one such stretch in my earlier post, One Of The Best Piriformis Stretches Ever For Relieving Piriformis Pain.

Step 3: Treat the Cause and Condition
First remember - pain is an illusion… :-) Just seeing if you were still paying attention. What pain really is basically is a warning signal from your body telling you that you have a problem to fix.

Now that you know what your condition is and are no longer too handicapped with pain to deal with it thanks to Steps 1 and 2, you focus now on the conditions and specific muscle imbalances causing the suffering. As you will have now realized the treatment for sciatica that's appropriate differs depending on the form of sciatica back pain we’re dealing with. Therefore you apply the appropriate treatment methods proven to take care of that problem from years of real-world chronic pain treatment by experts who have dedicated their careers to achieving pain relief for their patients.

And did I mention YOU can do all of that on your own from home?

Unfortunately this straightforward 3 step approach is not the normal course of action in typical medical treatment out there. You may have experienced this personally - and are still in pain. You MUST addresses the underlying cause of the problem the correct way, not just the symptoms - and NOT with generic exercises that may or may not be right for your specific case of sciatica back pain…

So are you sick and tired of quick fixes that fix nothing? Are ready to enjoy the same lasting sciatica back pain relief over 60,000 people in over 100 countries have gotten from one very special system?

It's real and happening now: All over the world tens of thousands of people have used the information, techniques, strategies and expert guidance in the Lose The Back Pain System to get rid of their sciatica back pain for good. Many of these people had suffered for years and tried every (other) treatment under the sun before finally using this system.

Maybe that’s you, too… If so then you need to take back control of your health and get started using this system right away. It was developed by a team of leading health, fitness and medical professionals and has proven to be far more effective that any other treatment approach being used today. Imagine major long-lasting relief from your back pain or sciatica potentially starting in just 2 days... 

Click here and watch this video explaining what this system is all about and how it can give you the tools to wipe out your sciatica back pain permanently.

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown
Check out the FREE "7-Day Back Pain Cure" Book 

September 10, 2011

The 11 Commandments Of Piriformis Pain

The 11 Commandments Of  Piriformis Pain

Yesterday in my article, Muscle Imbalance - The Secret Source Of Piriformis Pain and Sciatica Back Pain I went into some depth about piriformis muscle syndrome and the most common major cause of piriformis pain - and indeed of most cases of sciatica back pain - muscle imbalances. I encourage you to read it after you've gone over the "commandments" in this article.

That discussion was a little bit technical so as to show the underlying scenarios that lead to piriformis pain. Today I want to simplify things a bit, and be a little tongue-in-cheek too, by giving you, dear reader, the "11  Commandments Of  Piriformis Pain". These are the behavior and lifestyle choices anyone suffering from piriformis pain must strongly consider doing to reduce, relieve, and prevent piriformis pain. As a bonus these tips will help with any other type of sciatica back pain as well. Everything's related. 

Don't be surprised if your piriformis pain sticks around no matter what else you do if you don't try out the advice below. So without further ado, here are The 11 Commandments Of Piriformis Pain:

1. Thou Shalt Sit Straight
One of the worst things you can do to yourself is something you possibly do all day long: Sit down. Because most people slump over into a "C"-shape when they sit and over-stress their spine. This posture normally doesn't hurt you *now*, but it's a documented fact that poor posture = Pain down the road. After years of sitting badly like this, "down the road" has come for many of us...

For more information on dealing with this, click here

2. Thou Shalt Exercise Properly
We all need to develop a balanced and stable body and it's even more urgent if you're already suffering from piriformis pain. The problem is so many of the most popular exercises out there make piriformis muscle syndrome even worse by strengthening the wrong muscle groups further, or by neglecting flexibility. The muscle imbalances that lead to the pain in the first place get reinforced and piriformis pain flares up stronger.

For more information on pain-causing muscle imbalances and how to deal with them, click here

3. Thou Shalt Drink Plenty of Water
Water is so important to humans it goes without saying. One of the most basic yet common causes of pain is dehydration. Not having enough fluid in the body to keep the body cool, the blood moving, the muscles supple, the tendons relaxed and the discs well hydrated causes pain. Drink more water - and coffee, soda and tea aren't water! They dehydrate you by themselves.

For more information on this issue, click here

4. Thou Shalt Not Tolerate Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation is a primary immune system response to an irritant. The swelling is your body's way of supplying the problem area with antibodies, fresh blood, cells, etc to begin the healing process. And it works pretty flawlessly until age 25 or so, when levels of the healing enzymes critical to controlling this process begin to decline and so inflammation starts running unchecked.

For more on how to stop excessive inflammation cold without poisoning yourself and get the enzymes you need back, click here

5. Thou Shalt Get Better Sleep
We spend about a third of our life asleep. And it's time well-spent. Sleep allows the body to heal. It's really the only time your muscles properly relax and recover. All the hormones important for healing and recovery such as human growth hormone are produced at highest levels when we sleep. A consistent lack of quality sleep means your muscles, including the piriformis muscles, don't get enough time to recuperate from the day's stress or repair any injury or imbalance. Definitely bad news for any hopes of piriformis pain relief.

To learn more on getting a good night's sleep, click here

6. Thou Shalt Change The Food Ye Eat-eth
The amount of bad inflammation inside you changes based on activity level, the amount and quality of sleep you get, your stress levels, and especially the foods you eat.  Certain foods help reduce inflammation; other foods practically light you up with inflammation. The longer your diet is dominated by inflammatory foods, the higher the risk for painful conditions. The food you eat and your piriformis muscle syndrome are linked - it is chronic inflammation of the sciatic nerve in the area where the piriformis interferes with it that creates the pain. The worse your diet the easier it is for this inflammation to happen and for the "fire" to keep going.

To discover some powerful inflammation-fighting foods, click here

7. Thou Shalt Not Wear Heel Lifts
Leg-length discrepancies are often caused by our habitual posture; how we stand. Women who always carry babies on one hip, for example, can create discrepancies. Our pelvic muscles are conditioned by our constant habit patterns of posture and movement. The muscle interactions involved are very specific to each condition and each individual. If you don't know exactly what YOUR physical problem is - whether it's actually piriformis muscle syndrome or a herniated disc instead for example - you just can't know exactly what to do to correct it. Heel lifts can help but do not treat the underlying problem.

For more explanation on a better alternative to lifts, click here

8. Thou Shalt Relax Thy Mind Regularly
If you have used mainstream medicine, physical therapy, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, surgery... and are still in pain... consider the possibility that the mind via negative emotions and thoughts and mental stress may be playing a powerful role in making your condition resist treatment...

For some great tips on this, scroll down and check out the articles in the "Mind-Body" category when you click here

9. Thou Shalt Seek The CAUSE Of Your Pain, Not Get Stuck On A Diagnosis
Once you have a diagnosis don't believe you necessarily have to cure your labeled condition directly to be pain free. Studies prove you can have a diagnosis and not have pain. You see, there's a "hidden cause" to the pain and it's something very few healthcare professionals know about. Piriformis muscle syndrome is a condition name for the symptoms experienced - the real question is what's causing it?

For more on this topic, click here

10. Thou Shalt Get Educated
Never stop educating yourself about how to achieve peak pain free health and wellness. You may have come to realize that the name of what you have is "piriformis pain" due to "piriformis muscle syndrome" and that is useful. But the best road to recovery is educating yourself about the whole range of sciatica back pain that exists and acting from that knowledge.

For more education on pain relief in every area, click here

11. Thou Shalt Get Guidance From Experts With A Track Record Of Success
This is ultimately the most important "commandment" of all. After all, odds are piriformis pain relief isn't exactly the area of expertise any of us here studied in school or have worked in. Popping some liver-rotting painkillers is about all most of us are ever taught to use. Not knowing how to deal with piriformis pain is normal as it is not a simple issue. Learning from someone who's made helping people with all types of piriformis pain, sciatica, back pain, leg pain and more his life's work only makes sense...

For more information *that works* from someone who has actually helped thousands of people eliminate piriformis pain, click here

I hope you'll do your best to "obey" these "commandments" or show a loved one who is suffering this article. Following the guidelines above will lead you to the specific combination of actions and changes that will free you of the piriformis pain or sciatica you endure, I have no doubt. Get educated and find what works, if you'll work it.

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown

Check out the FREE "7-Day Back Pain Cure" Book

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September 8, 2011

Muscle Imbalance - The Secret Source Of Piriformis Pain and Sciatica Back Pain

Muscle Imbalance - The Secret Source Of Piriformis Pain and Sciatica Back Pain

I have a question for you… Did any of the healthcare providers you went to in the past or are visiting now to help you deal with your piriformis pain check you for muscle imbalances? …My crystal ball here is telling me the answer is “No. What’s a muscle imbalance anyway? Nobody ever mentioned anything like that.” And therein lies both the problem and the solution you’re looking for. Let us look a little deeper into this condition…

As I discussed in my article Piriformis Pain and Piriformis Muscle Syndrome: Get The Facts Behind the Suffering, Piriformis Muscle Syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle is displaced from its proper position such that it starts exerting excessive pressure on the sciatic nerve. The Sciatic Nerve is the largest nerve in the body and it is made up of nerves branching out from several vertebrae of the spine bundled together, and then descends down the back of the thigh.   This happens various ways, commonly through the muscle being overstressed and becoming inflamed and this inflammation state causes the pressure. The muscle might even be physically shifted into a unhealthy position as well for one reason or the other. The piriformis muscle is responsible for moving your leg so your feet point outward, i.e. rotating your thigh at the hip, so it is near the sciatic nerve. The pressure involved in piriformis muscle syndrome irritates the nerve and leads to inflammation in the area, giving rise to piriformis pain.

Obviously the piriformis muscle is not normally in a state where it inflames the sciatic nerve. So the real question we should be asking is, how did this situation come about? What created your piriformis muscle syndrome? This is where muscle imbalances come into the picture…

What In The World IS a Muscle Imbalance?
A muscle imbalance is when one muscle overpowers the opposing muscle or when there is a difference in flexibility of opposing muscles; or a combination of both strength and flexibility differences.

When your muscles are out of balance with each other they pull your bones and joints out of their correct position and this puts your other muscles, bones and joints under constant stress and uneven pressure... The body works as a whole thus muscle imbalances in one area can start a chain of reactions that disturbs the tissues in that body area - or even in another area seemingly nowhere near the actual muscle imbalance.

For example, the proper position of your hips and curvature of your spine are determined by numerous muscles and whether they are balanced with each other or not... There are over 640 muscles in the human body and everything we do affects them, from sitting too much to playing our favorite sports.  The lower body is particularly susceptible.

Almost All Cases Of Sciatica Back Pain Have Muscle Imbalances As The Main Cause Of The Pressure Being Placed On The Sciatic Nerve 
Specifically, piriformis pain is the most common manifestation of this distortion in the natural structural alignment of the body in the region of the sciatic nerve. Muscle Imbalance develop either through a traumatic event, or through a long process of lifestyle choices (habits of movement or inactivity), or a combination of both. For many people it's a gradual development of the muscle imbalance in your hip due to your everyday activities and the rise of the awful symptoms as a result. Over time that muscle gets tight from the positions you put yourself in plus it weakens from lack of use.

Let me give you some examples of what I mean:
1. If you sit on the edge of your chair with your legs apart and your feet pointing outward then you're keeping your piriformis muscle in a shortened position - This makes it tighten up gradually and if you do that all the time then it also weakens from lack of use. Voila: muscle imbalance!

2. On the other side of the spectrum, runners and bikers aren't sedentary but they often fail to maintain a strength vs. stretch balance in their workouts. This causes muscle imbalance because their piriformis muscle shortens and gets tight as it becomes stronger from the exercise, overpowering other muscles in the hip region. This leads - you guessed it - to an irritated sciatic nerve creating piriformis pain.

Many of us are sedentary or tend to be if we don't watch ourselves, Many of us are/have become exercise fanatics - and many of us are somewhere in between at any given time. Whether you're a runner or a keyboard athlete :-)  or neither, I'll bet you have muscle imbalances that are causing your piriformis pain too.

So... How DO You Get Rid Of Your Piriformis Pain? 
Since muscle imbalances are usually the culprit start by working on correcting any muscle imbalance you have, and you should start feeling pain relief immediately.... You can start with regular practice of a simple focused piriformis stretch for a few weeks such as the one you can watch and follow along with in my article, One Of The Best Piriformis Stretches Ever For Relieving Piriformis Pain.

Will learning one new stretch be enough? It very well may be. However depending on how severe your condition you may need to do more. For example don't sit in the way described above; do exercises/sports  like tennis, rollerblading, basketball, etc that involve a wide range of motion in your hips. More directly, corrective exercises tailored to your specific situation to correct your muscle imbalances are likely necessary.

Learn as much as you can about your condition, so that you can ask the tough questions to your healthcare providers and get the best care possible.... But realize that your well-meaning local pain specialist may not have gotten any education on sciatica or sub-forms of it like piriformis muscle syndrome. This is one of those cases that emphasizes the fact that your own health is always ultimately in your own hands.

And in that spirit of knowing the facts and helping your own self, I sincerely suggest and recommend you get a copy of the Free book, The 7-Day Back Pain Cure: How Thousands of People Got Relief Without Doctors, Drugs or Surgery written by Jesse Cannone CPT, CPRS. He's been a featured guest on NBC and co-founded The Healthy Back Institute. In it he covers everything from all the true causes of sciatica back pain, to how to do accurate self-diagnosis, to a whole range of easy-to-do treatment methods that you tailor to your personal needs. The "secrets", the expert knowledge in this book has allowed literally tens of thousands of people over the years to cure themselves of every back pain and sciatica condition especially piriformis pain. And did I mention it's for FREE? 

You can request your free copy right here.

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown

Get The 7-Day Back Pain Cure Here

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