September 6, 2011

Piriformis Pain and Piriformis Muscle Syndrome: Get The Facts Behind the Suffering

If you're reading this, then it's a safe bet that you have a radiating pain running down the back of your thigh from as high as your buttocks that just won't go away. If that sounds like You, don't worry, help is on the way…

Quite likely you’ve been doing your research and have been to a doctor or specialist and have already tried various traditional treatment methods for bringing an end to your piriformis pain… But while you’ve been working on your *lower* body, its probably felt more like you’ve been banging your HEAD against the wall instead – with no pain relief in sight. Unfortunately the medical community is often so conditioned and focused on treating only the symptoms that they fail to address the cause of the problem. And so their symptom-focused treatments for sciatica of this type usually fail to provide lasting pain relief.

In order to get rid of your piriformis pain once and for all, you must first know what is causing it... And when it comes to piriformis pain, we're dealing with something the doctors like to call “piriformis muscle syndrome”. This is the most common cause of sciatic pain and happens when the piriformis muscle puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, irritating it. So just to be clear; the piriformis pain is not in the muscle itself but stems from the sciatic nerve that’s inflamed because of the muscle's position. How though does this awful situation develop in your body?

Muscles work in pairs that move opposite to each other. For example, we all like to pay attention to the biceps, but notice at the back of your upper arms you have the triceps that works every time we straighten our arms. They’re a pair, but like in a game of tug-of-war, if things aren’t balanced on one side it goes badly for someone involved. :-) This happens when there’s a big difference in the strength or flexibility or both of opposing muscles. Because of many factors I will be discussing in later articles, these muscle imbalances are very common in people today

Certain muscle imbalances in the lower body pull the hip joints and pelvis out of place which then changes the position of the piriformis muscle in relation to the sciatic nerve, so that the muscle is basically squeezing the nerve. The area gets inflamed and voila – you’re caught in this trap of persistent piriformis pain and spasms.

And that’s all there is to it… Well, not quite. There are several nuances and details to successfully understanding and dealing with piriformis muscle syndrome that I will be go through in the days ahead.

One of the best resources I have found explaining the truth behind piriformis pain, sciatic pain, and back pain and HOW to truly eliminate them is the book The 7-Day Back Pain Cure. It is the new book by Jesse Cannone, C.P.T., C.P.R.S. and co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute. He’s helped over 165,000 people in 85 countries get lasting pain relief and in his desire to help as many as possible he’s giving away the book for FREE! It’s a real, to-the-point, easy-to-read book, not some flimsy e-book "report".

If you’re truly fed up with piriformis pain and want simple answers that work, get your own copy at no charge when you click here.

Stay pain-free and healthy,
Jevaughn Brown
Go here to make piriformis pain a thing of the past...

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