September 10, 2011

The 11 Commandments Of Piriformis Pain

The 11 Commandments Of  Piriformis Pain

Yesterday in my article, Muscle Imbalance - The Secret Source Of Piriformis Pain and Sciatica Back Pain I went into some depth about piriformis muscle syndrome and the most common major cause of piriformis pain - and indeed of most cases of sciatica back pain - muscle imbalances. I encourage you to read it after you've gone over the "commandments" in this article.

That discussion was a little bit technical so as to show the underlying scenarios that lead to piriformis pain. Today I want to simplify things a bit, and be a little tongue-in-cheek too, by giving you, dear reader, the "11  Commandments Of  Piriformis Pain". These are the behavior and lifestyle choices anyone suffering from piriformis pain must strongly consider doing to reduce, relieve, and prevent piriformis pain. As a bonus these tips will help with any other type of sciatica back pain as well. Everything's related. 

Don't be surprised if your piriformis pain sticks around no matter what else you do if you don't try out the advice below. So without further ado, here are The 11 Commandments Of Piriformis Pain:

1. Thou Shalt Sit Straight
One of the worst things you can do to yourself is something you possibly do all day long: Sit down. Because most people slump over into a "C"-shape when they sit and over-stress their spine. This posture normally doesn't hurt you *now*, but it's a documented fact that poor posture = Pain down the road. After years of sitting badly like this, "down the road" has come for many of us...

For more information on dealing with this, click here

2. Thou Shalt Exercise Properly
We all need to develop a balanced and stable body and it's even more urgent if you're already suffering from piriformis pain. The problem is so many of the most popular exercises out there make piriformis muscle syndrome even worse by strengthening the wrong muscle groups further, or by neglecting flexibility. The muscle imbalances that lead to the pain in the first place get reinforced and piriformis pain flares up stronger.

For more information on pain-causing muscle imbalances and how to deal with them, click here

3. Thou Shalt Drink Plenty of Water
Water is so important to humans it goes without saying. One of the most basic yet common causes of pain is dehydration. Not having enough fluid in the body to keep the body cool, the blood moving, the muscles supple, the tendons relaxed and the discs well hydrated causes pain. Drink more water - and coffee, soda and tea aren't water! They dehydrate you by themselves.

For more information on this issue, click here

4. Thou Shalt Not Tolerate Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation is a primary immune system response to an irritant. The swelling is your body's way of supplying the problem area with antibodies, fresh blood, cells, etc to begin the healing process. And it works pretty flawlessly until age 25 or so, when levels of the healing enzymes critical to controlling this process begin to decline and so inflammation starts running unchecked.

For more on how to stop excessive inflammation cold without poisoning yourself and get the enzymes you need back, click here

5. Thou Shalt Get Better Sleep
We spend about a third of our life asleep. And it's time well-spent. Sleep allows the body to heal. It's really the only time your muscles properly relax and recover. All the hormones important for healing and recovery such as human growth hormone are produced at highest levels when we sleep. A consistent lack of quality sleep means your muscles, including the piriformis muscles, don't get enough time to recuperate from the day's stress or repair any injury or imbalance. Definitely bad news for any hopes of piriformis pain relief.

To learn more on getting a good night's sleep, click here

6. Thou Shalt Change The Food Ye Eat-eth
The amount of bad inflammation inside you changes based on activity level, the amount and quality of sleep you get, your stress levels, and especially the foods you eat.  Certain foods help reduce inflammation; other foods practically light you up with inflammation. The longer your diet is dominated by inflammatory foods, the higher the risk for painful conditions. The food you eat and your piriformis muscle syndrome are linked - it is chronic inflammation of the sciatic nerve in the area where the piriformis interferes with it that creates the pain. The worse your diet the easier it is for this inflammation to happen and for the "fire" to keep going.

To discover some powerful inflammation-fighting foods, click here

7. Thou Shalt Not Wear Heel Lifts
Leg-length discrepancies are often caused by our habitual posture; how we stand. Women who always carry babies on one hip, for example, can create discrepancies. Our pelvic muscles are conditioned by our constant habit patterns of posture and movement. The muscle interactions involved are very specific to each condition and each individual. If you don't know exactly what YOUR physical problem is - whether it's actually piriformis muscle syndrome or a herniated disc instead for example - you just can't know exactly what to do to correct it. Heel lifts can help but do not treat the underlying problem.

For more explanation on a better alternative to lifts, click here

8. Thou Shalt Relax Thy Mind Regularly
If you have used mainstream medicine, physical therapy, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, surgery... and are still in pain... consider the possibility that the mind via negative emotions and thoughts and mental stress may be playing a powerful role in making your condition resist treatment...

For some great tips on this, scroll down and check out the articles in the "Mind-Body" category when you click here

9. Thou Shalt Seek The CAUSE Of Your Pain, Not Get Stuck On A Diagnosis
Once you have a diagnosis don't believe you necessarily have to cure your labeled condition directly to be pain free. Studies prove you can have a diagnosis and not have pain. You see, there's a "hidden cause" to the pain and it's something very few healthcare professionals know about. Piriformis muscle syndrome is a condition name for the symptoms experienced - the real question is what's causing it?

For more on this topic, click here

10. Thou Shalt Get Educated
Never stop educating yourself about how to achieve peak pain free health and wellness. You may have come to realize that the name of what you have is "piriformis pain" due to "piriformis muscle syndrome" and that is useful. But the best road to recovery is educating yourself about the whole range of sciatica back pain that exists and acting from that knowledge.

For more education on pain relief in every area, click here

11. Thou Shalt Get Guidance From Experts With A Track Record Of Success
This is ultimately the most important "commandment" of all. After all, odds are piriformis pain relief isn't exactly the area of expertise any of us here studied in school or have worked in. Popping some liver-rotting painkillers is about all most of us are ever taught to use. Not knowing how to deal with piriformis pain is normal as it is not a simple issue. Learning from someone who's made helping people with all types of piriformis pain, sciatica, back pain, leg pain and more his life's work only makes sense...

For more information *that works* from someone who has actually helped thousands of people eliminate piriformis pain, click here

I hope you'll do your best to "obey" these "commandments" or show a loved one who is suffering this article. Following the guidelines above will lead you to the specific combination of actions and changes that will free you of the piriformis pain or sciatica you endure, I have no doubt. Get educated and find what works, if you'll work it.

Stay healthy my friends,
Jevaughn Brown

Check out the FREE "7-Day Back Pain Cure" Book

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1 comment:

  1. Love the layout and "11 commandments" :D

    I couldn`t pinpoint my favorite one but I am all for educating people and encourage them to learn more about their body!
